??? “I am a pivot point in my family line.” ???
I heard this statement in a Worldschooling conversation recently and the powerful truth of this idea stopped me dead in my tracks. I am living a life so boldly and audaciously contrary to the concepts with which I was raised, that my daily life is a testament to the fact that there is no one right way to educate ourselves.
But this is about so much MORE than just an alternative form of education. Nothing that happens in my family can remain the same for future generations because of the drastically different life decisions we are making today. Even those friends and family who are not on the same path are affected simply because they are close observers of our wildly unorthodox journey.
? The decisions we make today affect our education.
? The decisions we make today affect our finances.
? The decisions we make today affect our identity.
? The decisions we make today affect our perceptions of the world around us AND the role we choose to play in it.
If you’re ready to think, behave, and teach your children differently than you were taught as a child, then you just might be ready for the next Ultimate Cooking with Children Workshop. We start next week.